Fish / Shellfish Seasonings

Fish / Shellfish Seasonings vary as much as tastes. We offer the finest seasoning mixes for preparing your catch. All these seasonings are additive and preservative free so that you taste the actual meat and not something whizzled up in a laboratory. We even have seasonings for our friends with food allergies.

There are various ways to season fish before frying it. If you like southern-style catfish, try seasoning it with cornmeal. Or, if you’d prefer a simpler route, try seasoning whitefish with beer and breadcrumbs. Finally, you can try seasoning cod with mustard and cayenne powder.

Overcooking the food is one of the most common mistakes when cooking fish and seafood. Overcooked pan-fried fish, unfortunately, is dry, tasteless, and tough. Cook your fish at 10 minutes per inch of thickness. And that’s it. This works whether you’re grilling, broiling, steaming, frying or baking your fish. You should let fish reach room temperature before cooking. When you add cold fish to a hot pan, it will cook unevenly. It is a good idea to let salmon sit out for 15 to 20 minutes before cooking so that it can warm to room temperature. You can prevent your fish fillets from having an unpleasant mushy texture by using a paper towel to pat each one dry before cooking. Removing this moisture from the outside of the fish won’t make the meat dry out. Instead, it will ensure that it has the right flaky texture when it cooks.

Take a look at our fish / shellfish seasonings, you won’t be disappointed with its aromatic smell and taste !!!

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