This is our companies EPT BLOG. You should visit here often as we will be releasing product information frequently. We plan to release availability often in advance of new product releases. Come back and come back often !!!!

Company BLOG

Here is where you come for the most current information regarding our products, our Company BLOG. Here is where we will post new items prior to their release so you can read what's coming from our labs. As consumer product developers, we are always looking to build or promote the newest solution to the age old problem of "who the heck made this crap". We have taken up the charge and have brought many functionally excellent products to market.


The purpose of a Company BLOG is to provide a platform for individuals or organizations to share information, ideas, and thoughts with a wider audience. Blogs can be used for personal or professional purposes and cover a wide range of topics. Those topics are such as lifestyle, fashion, technology, politics, business, and more. Blogging is an effective way to raise awareness about a subject or product and to build an online community around it.

The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. A few called themselves "escribitionists". The Open Pages we bring included members of the online-journal community. A website is a group of connected web pages containing more information about a business or organization and its offer.

Conversely, a blog is where a writer or group of writers share their opinions and perspectives on specific topics. Often, websites host blogs, but it's important to note that the two are distinct. Great blog posts answer readers' questions as quickly and simply as possible. Your headings and subheadings can help accomplish that. Think of them as a continuation of the main idea of your post. The suggestion is use your sub headers to include keywords and topics that naturally follow your main topic and keyword.